Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Living in the Bullseye

Every once in a while I run across a verse or verses that jump off the pages of Scripture and hit me square between the eyes.  The ensuing period of reflection is amazing and God always uses these times in the "bullseye" to speak to my heart, provide correction where necessary, and let me know I need to trust Him more.  Such was the case this morning when in Eugene Peterson's paraphrase The Message I encountered Matthew 11:28-30.  Listen to how Peterson paraphrases these words from Jesus...

Are you tired? Worn out?  Burned out on religion?  Come to Me.  Get away with Me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take a real rest.  Walk with Me and work with Me -- watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.  I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.  Keep company with Me and you'' learn to live freely and lightly.

Ever been there?  Are you living there now?  I am...tired, worn out, even burned out on the religion that surrounds me that is so much less than what God intended for a relationship with Him through His Son to be.  I am learning more and more each day about the importance of balance and living as Peterson paraphrases in the unforced rhythms of grace, that place where you lean on and trust in God more than your own abilities and resources.  In that process I am learning a few other things...

I am learning that some things can just be slid to the side, or even left undone completely.  

I am learning that the telephone is for my convenience and is not supposed to be my master.  There are times I don't have to answer just because it rings, and every text doesn't need my immediate attention.  There are some calls I will always answer -- from my wife, my children, my mom or my sisters -- or my inlaws -- or my secretary (she only calls when its really important).  But not every call gets my immediate attention.  There are times when it rings the caller has to leave a message, and if they don't I deem the call not very important, and certainly not worth returning.  And if they do leave a message, I will get back to them -- when it is convenient because that what phones and answering machines are supposed to be all about -- convenience.

I am learning that some emails just don't even need to be opened -- like forwards or advertisements or  things from people I've never heard of and don't know.  I know that email is a great way to communicate, but like a text on my phone, it is not preferred to verbal communication -- and if what people really need to share is really that important, they will call and if I answer, share it with me, and if not, leave a message for me to respond to at my convenience.  

And then there is that whole thing of social media.  I don't do Facebook very much.  I keep up with a few of my loved ones posts, and occasionally I even post something myself -- or on someone's page.  But I'm not all excited when someone messages me, or shares their latest pic or chronicles their night out with friends.  Its just not that important to me, and usually they share stuff that ought not be least if they don't want some corporate head hunter to find out about them and disqualify them for a job because of the friends they keep or the things they say they do and all that kind of stuff.

But then there is Twitter.  I actually like this one -- saying things profoundly yet simply in as few a words as possible.  Now the emphasis is on profound.  I don't care if you have a hole in your sock or you're hungry or whatever.  But when you share a link to an article that is worth reading, or a verse that provokes response from my heart, or an insight that causes deep thought -- that is why I like Twitter.  And I use it too...although not as perfectly as I wish I could.  And when someone whom I follow begins to use it as a tabloid for the inane...I cut them off -- it is a really refreshing feeling.

And all that is to say nothing of why I don't like watching live tv (I prefer to dvr shows -- then fast forward through the waste of time can watch an hour show in just over 35 minutes), or junk mail - I throw it all away without ever looking at it (no wonder the landfills are full), and I always hang up on sales calls and surveys (even though I know that can be rude).

So why this rambling -- because I am learning that I am responsible for my fatigue, and my feeling worn out, and my experiencing burnout, and if I don't do something to crowd the craziness of my world out, it will continue to push and shove its way in and leave me feeling like I've lost me.  I have entered into a period of recovery...of taking Peterson's paraphrase of these verses seriously -- of learning the unforced rhythms of grace that I can reconnect with the Lord daily and in that, find the me He created me to be too.  It is amazing what a simple no, or unanswered call, or ignored text message, or not checking your Facebook, or looking at every piece of junk mail and the like can do.  It is amazing what happens when you put the important ahead of the cacophony of the urgent.  It is unbelievable how rested, and renewed, and reborn you can begin to feel...just by taking time to bask in the unforced rhythms of grace. 

You ought to try it...maybe like me, you'd begin to enjoy life again too.  I's worth the risk.

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